Crate cairo_native

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Cairo Sierra to MLIR compiler and JIT engine

This crate is a compiler and JIT engine that transforms Sierra (or Cairo) sources into MLIR, which can be JIT-executed or further compiled (externally) into a binary ahead of time.


The API contains two structs, NativeContext and NativeExecutor. The main purpose of NativeContext is MLIR initialization, compilation and lowering to LLVM. NativeExecutor in the other hand is responsible of executing MLIR compiled sierra programs from an entrypoint. Programs and JIT states can be cached in contexts where their execution will be done multiple times.

use starknet_types_core::felt::Felt;
use cairo_native::context::NativeContext;
use cairo_native::executor::JitNativeExecutor;
use cairo_native::values::JitValue;
use std::path::Path;

let program_path = Path::new("programs/examples/hello.cairo");
// Compile the cairo program to sierra.
let sierra_program = cairo_native::utils::cairo_to_sierra(program_path);

// Instantiate a Cairo Native MLIR context. This data structure is responsible for the MLIR
// initialization and compilation of sierra programs into a MLIR module.
let native_context = NativeContext::new();

// Compile the sierra program into a MLIR module.
let native_program = native_context.compile(&sierra_program, None).unwrap();

// The parameters of the entry point.
let params = &[JitValue::Felt252(Felt::from_bytes_be_slice(b"user"))];

// Find the entry point id by its name.
let entry_point = "hello::hello::greet";
let entry_point_id = cairo_native::utils::find_function_id(&sierra_program, entry_point);

// Instantiate the executor.
let native_executor = JitNativeExecutor::from_native_module(native_program, Default::default());

// Execute the program.
let result = native_executor
    .invoke_dynamic(entry_point_id, params, None)

println!("Cairo program was compiled and executed successfully.");
println!("{:?}", result);

Common definitions

Within this project there are lots of functions with the same signature. As their arguments have all the same meaning, they are documented here:

  • context: NativeContext: The MLIR context.
  • module: &NativeModule: The compiled MLIR program, with other relevant information such as program registry and metadata.
  • program: &Program: The Sierra input program.
  • registry: &ProgramRegistry<TType, TLibfunc>: The registry extracted from the program.
  • metadata: &mut MetadataStorage: Current compiler metadata.



