Riax.VNode behaviour (riax v0.1.0)
A virtual node is an Elixir (or Erlang) process responsible for a partition of keys from the ring. The key word here is virtual (as opposed to physical), because we can have many virtual nodes running on a physical node. In the picture, the colored squares are physical nodes. With consistent hashing, we can determine which node should handle a given key, depending on which partition (and therefore, VNode) the key ends up. The way that keys are distributed is the Handoff, which is explained on a section below. The virtual node is responsible for handling requests and can store data to be retrieved. It is important to bear in mind that VNodes are not bound to a particular to a particular physical node. They can be relocated to another physical nodes as new nodes are added (using Riax.join) or a certain physical node is not available. Adding new nodes easily is useful for horizontal scaling.
To implement this Virtual Node, we provide an easy to use behaviour. Here's an example of using a Virtual Node as a Key-Value store.
defmodule Riax.VNode.Impl do
require Logger
@behaviour Riax.VNode
def init([partition]) do
{:ok, %{partition: partition, data: %{}}}
def handle_command({:ping, v}, _sender, state = %{partition: partition}) do
Logger.debug("Received ping command!", state)
{:reply, {:pong, v + 1, node(), partition}, state}
def handle_command({:put, :no_log, {k, v}}, _sender, state = %{data: data}) do
new_data = Map.put(data, k, v)
{:reply, :ok, %{state | data: new_data}}
def handle_command({:put, {k, v}}, _sender, state = %{data: data}) do
Logger.debug("PUT Key: #{inspect(k)}, Value: #{inspect(v)}", state)
new_data = Map.put(data, k, v)
{:reply, :ok, %{state | data: new_data}}
def handle_command({:get, key}, _sender, state = %{data: data}) do
Logger.debug("GET #{key}", state)
reply =
case Map.get(data, key) do
nil -> :not_found
value -> value
{:reply, reply, state}
def handle_command({:delete, key}, _sender, state = %{data: data}) do
Logger.debug("DELETE #{inspect(key)}", state)
new_data = Map.delete(data, key)
{:reply, Map.get(data, key, :not_found), %{state | data: new_data}}
def handle_command(message, _sender, state) do
Logger.debug("unhandle command #{inspect(message)}")
{:noreply, state}
def handoff_starting(target_node, state = %{partition: _partition}) do
"Handoff starting with target: #{inspect(target_node)} - State: #{inspect(state)}"
{true, state}
def handoff_finished(dest, state = %{partition: partition}) do
"Handoff finished with target: #{inspect(dest)}, partition: #{inspect(partition)}"
{:ok, state}
def handle_handoff_fold(fold_function, acc, _sender, state)
when is_function(fold_function) do
Logger.debug(">>>>> Handoff V2 <<<<<<")
acc =
|> Enum.reduce(acc, fn {k, v}, acc ->
fold_function.(k, v, acc)
{:reply, acc, state}
def handle_handoff_command(request, sender, state) do
handle_command(request, sender, state)
def is_empty(state) do
is_empty = map_size(state) == 0
{is_empty, state}
def delete(state) do
Logger.debug("Deleting the vnode data")
{:ok, %{state | data: %{}}}
def encode_handoff_item(k, v) do
Logger.debug("Encode handoff item: #{k} #{v}")
:erlang.term_to_binary({k, v})
def handle_handoff_data(bin_data, state) do
Logger.debug("Handle handoff data - bin_data: #{inspect(bin_data)} - #{inspect(state)}")
{k, v} = :erlang.binary_to_term(bin_data)
new_state = Map.update(state, :data, %{}, fn data -> Map.put(data, k, v) end)
{:reply, :ok, new_state}
def handle_coverage(:keys, _key_spaces, {_, req_id, _}, state = %{data: data}) do
Logger.debug("Received keys coverage: #{inspect(state)}")
keys = Map.keys(data)
{:reply, {req_id, keys}, state}
def handle_coverage(:values, _key_spaces, {_, req_id, _}, state = %{data: data}) do
Logger.debug("Received values coverage: #{inspect(state)}")
values = Map.values(data)
{:reply, {req_id, values}, state}
def handle_coverage(:clear, _key_spaces, {_, req_id, _}, state) do
Logger.debug("Received clear coverage: #{inspect(state)} ")
new_state = %{state | data: %{}}
{:reply, {req_id, []}, new_state}
def handle_exit(pid, reason, state) do
"Handling exit: self: #{inspect(self())} - pid: #{inspect(pid)} - reason: #{inspect(reason)} - state: #{inspect(state)}"
{:noreply, state}
def handoff_cancelled(state) do
Logger.error("Handoff cancelled with state: #{state}")
{:ok, state}
If our setup is working, we can call it using the Riax module
iex(dev1@> Riax.sync_command 1, {:ping, 1}
17:05:35.559 [debug] Received ping command!
{:pong, 2, :"dev1@", 822094670998632891489572718402909198556462055424}
iex(dev1@> Riax.sync_command(:some_identifier, {:put, {:my_key, :my_value}})
17:09:57.727 [debug] PUT Key: :my_key, Value: :my_value
iex(dev1@> Riax.sync_command(:some_identifier, {:get, :my_key})
17:10:11.336 [debug] GET my_key
iex(dev1@> Riax.preferred_node(:some_identifier)
{:ok, {639406966332270026714112114313373821099470487552, :"dev1@"}}
This tells us the key :my_key
and value :my_value
ended up in the Virtual Node :"dev1@"
Handoff :
Ownership of a partition (that is, key distribution between nodes) may be
transferred from one virtual node to another in a different node when nodes
join (via Riax.join/1
) or are removed from the cluster, and under certain
failure scenarios to guarantee high availability. If a node goes down
unexpectedly, the partitions owned by the virtual nodes it contained will be
temporarily handled by virtual nodes in other physical nodes. If the
original node comes back up, ownership will eventually be transferred back
to the original owners, also called primary virtual nodes. The virtual nodes
that took over ownership in that scenario are called secondary virtual
nodes. The process by which this ownership is negotiated and any relevant
data is transferred to accomplish that is what we call a handoff. Transfer
of ownership may also occur when adding or removing physical nodes to the
Handoff process:
First of all, keep in mind that when the handoff is in progress,
a VNode will handle its requests via handle_handoff_command/3
it can drop the request, forward it or handle it.
When the handoff starts it works like this:
The callback
is called. If it returns a{:false, state}
tuple, the handoff is cancelled. Else, it callsis_empty/1
to check if the VNode has something to hand off.If
it returns a:false
tuple, the handoff continueshandle_handoff_fold/3
is called with a folding function and an accumulator as parameters. The provided accumulator works just fine with the Enum module. The given fold_function turns the VNode's state into key-value pairs (see the example) and, before sending them to its corresponding Virtual Node, calls encode_handoff_item/2 to encode them.Said encoding will be then decoded by
in the receiving Virtual Node. When all the key-values are sent,handoff_finished/2
is called.
Link to this section Summary
Called when the VNode data is to be deleted. Can be used for a preemptive cleanup of the VNode.
This function is called before sending data to another running VNode during a
handoff. The key-value pairs returned by the fold_function given to
will be encoded by this function.
Responsible of answering commands
sent with either Riax.sync_command/3
, Riax.async_command/3
Handles a command given by the Riax.coverage_command/2
Callback called in the case that a process linked to the VNode process dies and allows the module using the behaviour to take appropiate action.
Like handle_handoff_command/3
but this function takes care of handling
requests during a handoff.
When a handoff is in progress, data is received by the new vnode and must decode it and do something with it, this is done by this callback.
This function has the job of converting the VNode state into a key-value pair.
These key-value pairs will be then encoded by the encode_handoff_item/2
This function is called when a handoff process affecting this vnode process gets cancelled. It can be used to undo changes made in handoff_starting/2.
Called when a handoff finishes.
Callback that is called when a handoff starts. See the Handoff Process section.
Set up VNode state and data structure. It recieves a list its assigned partition and should return the VNode's initial state.
This callback is used to determine if the VNode's state data structure is empty.
Link to this section Types
@type handoff_dest() :: {:riak_core_handoff_manager.ho_type(), {partition(), node()}}
@type partition() :: :chash.index_as_int()
@type sender() :: {sender_type(), reference() | tuple(), pid()} | {:server, :undefined, :undefined} | {:fsm, :undefined, pid()} | :ignore
@type sender_type() :: :fsm | :server | :raw
@type vnode_req() :: any()
Link to this section Callbacks
Called when the VNode data is to be deleted. Can be used for a preemptive cleanup of the VNode.
encode_handoff_item(key, value)
This function is called before sending data to another running VNode during a
handoff. The key-value pairs returned by the fold_function given to
will be encoded by this function.
handle_command(request, sender, state)
@callback handle_command(request :: any(), sender :: sender(), state :: any()) :: :continue | {:reply, reply :: term(), new_mod_state :: term()} | {:noreply, new_mode_state :: term()} | {:async, work :: function(), from :: sender(), new_mod_state :: term()} | {:stop, reason :: term(), new_mod_state :: term()}
Responsible of answering commands
sent with either Riax.sync_command/3
, Riax.async_command/3
- request: The command to be handled.
- sender: The process sending the request.
- state: The VNode's current state.
Keep in mind that sender is :ignored when using
handle_coverage(request, keyspaces, sender, state)
@callback handle_coverage( request :: any(), keyspaces(), sender :: sender(), state :: any() ) :: :continue | {:reply, reply :: any(), new_state :: any()} | {:noreply, new_state :: any()} | {:async, work :: function(), from :: sender(), new_state :: any()} | {:stop, reason :: any(), new_state :: any()}
Handles a command given by the Riax.coverage_command/2
handle_exit(pid, reason, state)
@callback handle_exit(pid(), reason :: any(), state :: any()) :: {:noreply, new_mod_state :: any()} | {:stop, reason :: any(), new_state :: any()}
Callback called in the case that a process linked to the VNode process dies and allows the module using the behaviour to take appropiate action.
handle_handoff_command( request, sender, state )
@callback handle_handoff_command( request :: any(), sender :: sender(), state :: any() ) :: {:reply, reply :: any(), new_state :: any()} | {:noreply, new_state :: any()} | {:forward, new_state :: any()} | {:drop, new_state :: any()} | {:stop, reason :: any(), new_state :: any()}
Like handle_handoff_command/3
but this function takes care of handling
requests during a handoff.
This callback can also eturn a tuple that has as
its first element :reply,
, :forward
, :drop
or :stop
If the function returns :foward
it forwards the request to another VNode,
drops the request. Useful if, for example, you don't want to handle
requests during a handoff.
handle_handoff_data(binary, state)
@callback handle_handoff_data(binary(), state :: any()) :: {:reply, :ok | {:error, reason :: term()}, state :: any()}
When a handoff is in progress, data is received by the new vnode and must decode it and do something with it, this is done by this callback.
handle_handoff_fold( fold_function, acc, sender, state )
@callback handle_handoff_fold( fold_function :: (... -> any()), acc :: any(), sender :: sender(), state :: any() ) :: {:reply, reply :: any(), new_state :: any()} | {:noreply, new_state :: any()} | {:forward, new_state :: any()} | {:drop, new_state :: any()} | {:stop, reason :: any(), new_state :: any()}
This function has the job of converting the VNode state into a key-value pair.
These key-value pairs will be then encoded by the encode_handoff_item/2
fold_function: Function that reduces/folds the VNode's actual state into key-value pairs.
acc: The initial accumulator for the fold_function.
sender: The process sending the handoff request.
state: VNode state.
The return values work just like in handle_handoff_command/3.
This function is called when a handoff process affecting this vnode process gets cancelled. It can be used to undo changes made in handoff_starting/2.
handoff_finished(handoff_dest, state)
@callback handoff_finished(handoff_dest(), state :: any()) :: {:ok, new_state :: term()}
Called when a handoff finishes.
handoff_starting(handoff_dest, state)
@callback handoff_starting(handoff_dest(), state :: any()) :: {boolean(), new_state :: any()}
Callback that is called when a handoff starts. See the Handoff Process section.
Set up VNode state and data structure. It recieves a list its assigned partition and should return the VNode's initial state.
@callback is_empty(state :: term()) :: {boolean(), new_state :: term()} | {false, size :: pos_integer(), new_state :: any()}
This callback is used to determine if the VNode's state data structure is empty.