
We tested this with Elixir 1.13 and OTP 25.


Single node

  1. First, add Riax as a dependency to your mix.exs
    defp deps do
        {:riax, ">= 0.1.0", github: "lambdaclass/elixir_riak_core", branch: "main"}
    (It's not available on as every dependency of Riak Core, and Riak itself, is hosted on Github. And does not allow to upload packages with git dependencies)
  2. Then, you'll need a VNode implementation, you can grab mine if you want to. This is an example of a Virtual Node being used as Key-Value store. You can add it under lib/ or any other folder under elixirc_paths.
  3. After that, you'll need a configuration for each Node, here's an example one:
    # config/config.exs
    import Config
    # This tells riax which of or modules 
    # implements a VNode.
    config :riax, vnode: Riax.VNode.Impl
    config :riak_core,
      # Must be an Erlang long name
      node: 'dev@',
      web_port: 8198,
      # Handoff is something we discuss
      # further in the Riax.VNode doc.
      handoff_port: 8199,
      # Where to save this node's ring
      # state
      ring_state_dir: 'ring_data_dir_1',
      platform_data_dir: 'data_1',
      # This is a config file for Riak Core,
      # we provide this one for you.
      schema_dirs: ['/deps/riax/priv']
  4. Remember that the iex node name needs to match the one from your config, so now you can start your mix project with:
    iex --name dev@ -S mix run
    And then, try running Riax.ring_status/0 in iex, you should see something like this:
    iex(dev@> Riax.ring_status
    ==================================== Nodes ====================================
    Node a: 64 (100.0%) dev@
    ==================================== Ring =====================================
    That's it! Up and running.


Multiple nodes

Having multiple Virtual Nodes is a must. We're going to need a config file for each one, so let's change it, config.exs can be something like this:

    import Config
    config :riax, vnode: Riax.VNode.Impl


Now, let's create 2 files, dev.exs (or add to it, if already exists) and dev2.exs under /config:

# dev.exs
import Config
config :riax, vnode: Riax.VNode.Impl

config :riak_core,
  node: 'dev@',
  web_port: 8198,
  handoff_port: 8199,
  ring_state_dir: 'ring_data_dir_1',
  platform_data_dir: 'data_1',
  schema_dirs: ['deps/riax/priv/']
# dev2.exs
import Config

config :riak_core,
  node: 'dev2@',
  web_port: 8398,
  handoff_port: 8399,
  ring_state_dir: 'ring_data_dir_2',
  platform_data_dir: 'data_2',
  schema_dirs: ['deps/riax/priv/']

Now, you can try them locally on 2 separate terminal sessions (tmux, multiple termilas, terminal tabs... whatever you like), first run:

    MIX_ENV=dev iex --name dev@ -S mix run

Then, on the other session, run:

    MIX_ENV=dev2 iex --name dev2@ -S mix run

Try to join them, and handoff will start (handoff is the way on which partitions of the key-space are distributed between VNodes.)

You could also create a makefile for ease of use:

        MIX_ENV=dev iex --name dev@ -S mix run

        MIX_ENV=dev2 iex --name dev2@ -S mix run

Now, try calling Riax.join('dev2@') from terminal 1.

Riax.ring_status will change to something like this:

iex(dev@> Riax.ring_status
==================================== Nodes ====================================
Node a: 2 (  3.1%) dev@
Node b: 62 ( 96.9%) dev2@
==================================== Ring =====================================

Eventually (a minute, give or take) it should reach 50% on each node. That's the handoff working.