High level API: Fibonacci example

Let's go over the main test we use for our prover, where we compute a STARK proof for a fibonacci trace with 4 rows and then verify it.

fn main() {
fn test_prove_fib() {
    let trace = simple_fibonacci::fibonacci_trace([FE::from(1), FE::from(1)], 8);
    let proof_options = ProofOptions::default_test_options();

    let pub_inputs = FibonacciPublicInputs {
        a0: FE::one(),
        a1: FE::one(),

    let proof = prove::<F, FibonacciAIR<F>>(&trace, &pub_inputs, &proof_options).unwrap();
    assert!(verify::<F, FibonacciAIR<F>>(&proof, &pub_inputs, &proof_options));

The proving system revolves around the prove function, that takes a trace, public inputs and proof options as inputs to generate a proof, and a verify function that takes the generated proof, the public inputs and the proof options as inputs, outputting true when the proof is verified correctly and false otherwise. Note that the public inputs and proof options should be the same for both. Public inputs should be shared by the Cairo runner to prover and verifier, and the proof options should have been agreed on beforehand by the two entities beforehand.

Below we go over the main things involved in this code.


To prove the integrity of a fibonacci trace, we first need to define what it means for a trace to be valid. As we've talked about in the recap, this involves defining an AIR for our computation where we specify both the boundary and transition constraints for a fibonacci sequence.

In code, this is done through the AIR trait. Implementing AIR requires defining a couple methods, but the two most important ones are boundary_constraints and compute_transition, which encode the boundary and transition constraints of our computation.

Boundary Constraints

For our Fibonacci AIR, boundary constraints look like this:

fn main() {
fn boundary_constraints(
    _rap_challenges: &Self::RAPChallenges,
) -> BoundaryConstraints<Self::Field> {
    let a0 = BoundaryConstraint::new_simple(0, self.pub_inputs.a0.clone());
    let a1 = BoundaryConstraint::new_simple(1, self.pub_inputs.a1.clone());

    BoundaryConstraints::from_constraints(vec![a0, a1])

The BoundaryConstraint struct represents a specific boundary constraint, meaning "column i at row j should be equal to x". In this case, because we have only one column, we are using the new_simple method to simply say

  • Row 0 should equal the public input a0, which in the typical fibonacci is set to 1.
  • Row 1 should equal the public input a1, which in the typical fibonacci is set to 1.

In the case of multiple columns, the new method exists so you can also specify column number.

After instantiating each of these constraints, we return all of them through the struct BoundaryConstraints.

Transition Constraints

The way we specify our fibonacci transition constraint looks like this:

fn main() {
fn compute_transition(
    frame: &air::frame::Frame<Self::Field>,
    _rap_challenges: &Self::RAPChallenges,
) -> Vec<FieldElement<Self::Field>> {
    let first_row = frame.get_row(0);
    let second_row = frame.get_row(1);
    let third_row = frame.get_row(2);

    vec![third_row[0] - second_row[0] - first_row[0]]

It's not completely obvious why this is how we chose to express transition constraints, so let's talk a little about it.

What we need to specify in this method is the relationship that has to hold between the current step of computation and the previous ones. For this, we get a Frame as an argument. This is a struct holding the current step (i.e. the current row of the trace) and all previous ones needed to encode our constraint. In our case, this is the current row and the two previous ones. To access rows we use the get_row method. The current step is always the last row (in our case 2), with the others coming before it.

In our compute_transition method we get the three rows we need and return

fn main() {
third_row[0] - second_row[0] - first_row[0]

which is the value that needs to be zero for our constraint to hold. Because we support multiple transition constraints, we actually return a vector with one value per constraint, so the first element holds the first constraint value and so on.


After defining our AIR, we create our specific trace to prove against it.

fn main() {
let trace = fibonacci_trace([FE17::new(1), FE17::new(1)], 4);

let trace_table = TraceTable {
    table: trace.clone(),
    num_cols: 1,

TraceTable is the struct holding execution traces; the num_cols says how many columns the trace has, the table field is a vec holding the actual values of the trace in row-major form, meaning if the trace looks like this

| 1  | 2  |
| 3  | 4  |
| 5  | 6  |

then its corresponding TraceTable is

fn main() {
let trace_table = TraceTable {
    table: vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
    num_cols: 2,

In our example, fibonacci_trace is just a helper function we use to generate the fibonacci trace with 4 rows and [1, 1] as the first two values.

AIR Context

After specifying our constraints and trace, the only thing left to do is provide a few parameters related to the STARK protocol and our AIR. These specify things such as the number of columns of the trace and proof configuration, among others. They are all encapsulated in the AirContext struct, which in our example we instantiate like this:

fn main() {
let context = AirContext {
    options: ProofOptions {
        blowup_factor: 2,
        fri_number_of_queries: 1,
        coset_offset: 3,
    trace_columns: trace_table.n_cols,
    transition_degrees: vec![1],
    transition_exemptions: vec![2],
    transition_offsets: vec![0, 1, 2],
    num_transition_constraints: 1,

Let's go over each of them:

  • options requires a ProofOptions struct holding specific parameters related to the STARK protocol to be used when proving. They are:
    • The blowup_factor used for the trace LDE extension, a parameter related to the security of the protocol.
    • The number of queries performed by the verifier when doing FRI, also related to security.
    • The offset used for the LDE coset. This depends on the field being used for the STARK proof.
  • trace_columns are the number of columns of the trace, respectively.
  • transition_degrees holds the degree of each transition constraint.
  • transition_exemptions is a Vec which tells us, for each column, the number of rows the transition constraints should not apply, starting from the end of the trace. In the example, the transition constraints won't apply on the last two rows of the trace.
  • transition_offsets holds the indexes that define a frame for our AIR. In our fibonacci case, these are [0, 1, 2] because we need the current row and the two previous one to define our transition constraint.
  • num_transition_constraints simply says how many transition constraints our AIR has.

Proving execution

Having defined all of the above, proving our fibonacci example amounts to instantiating the necessary structs and then calling prove passing the trace, public inputs and proof options. We use a simple implementation of a hasher called TestHasher to handle merkle proof building.

fn main() {
let proof = prove(&trace_table, &pub_inputs, &proof_options);

Verifying is then done by passing the proof of execution along with the same AIR to the verify function.

fn main() {
assert!(verify(&proof, &pub_inputs, &proof_options));