Complex Gadgets/Merkle Tree Example

So far we've been discussing the circuit equivalent of primitive types that all programming languages support. Eventually, the need for custom types (i.e. structs) arises.

For this, let's go through an example of how this would work. The following will be taken from the MerkleTree example here. The goal is to create a circuit that, given a merkle root, leaf and a path to the leaf, decides whether the leaf belongs to the tree or not.

So we don't reinvent the wheel, we are going to use a fixed height merkle tree implementation provided by the crypto-primitives package in arkworks. This gives us a struct

fn main() {
pub struct MerkleTree<P: Config>

where the Config is just a generic type with the hash functions used for the tree (yes, it's functions in plural, check the crypto primitives section for details on this). This struct provides us with methods to instantiate a merkle tree with a given list of leaves:

fn main() {
/// Returns a new merkle tree. `leaves.len()` should be power of two.
pub fn new<L: ToBytes>(
    leaf_hash_param: &LeafParam<P>,
    two_to_one_hash_param: &TwoToOneParam<P>,
    leaves: &[L],
) -> Result<Self, crate::Error>

and to generate a merkle path for a given leaf:

fn main() {
/// Returns the authentication path from leaf at `index` to root.
pub fn generate_proof(&self, index: usize) -> Result<Path<P>, crate::Error>

For our example, this is enough. So far we have a regular merkle tree Rust struct, but what we're looking for is an arkworks circuit to generate and verify ZK proofs of inclusion for this tree. What we'll do is create a second struct to represent this circuit:

fn main() {
pub struct MerkleTreeVerification {
    // These are constants that will be embedded into the circuit
    pub leaf_crh_params: <LeafHash as CRH>::Parameters,
    pub two_to_one_crh_params: <TwoToOneHash as TwoToOneCRH>::Parameters,

    // These are the public inputs to the circuit.
    pub root: Root,
    pub leaf: u8,

    // This is the private witness to the circuit.
    pub authentication_path: Option<SimplePath>,

Don't worry too much about the leaf_crh_params and two_to_one_crh_params, they're just variables related to the hash functions being used.

If we recall the overview, to turn this struct into a circuit all we have to do is implement the generate_constraints method for the ConstraintSynthetizer trait. This pattern is a very common one throughout arkworks and it's the same one we used in the overview example, the idea is that the fields of our circuit struct are its constant, public and private inputs exposed as regular rust types.

In turn, each of these types has a corresponding R1CS equivalent, which allows creating constant, public or private inputs inside a circuit out of these regular rust types. The simplest example of this is the UInt8 gadget we've already covered; it lets you define unsigned 8 bit integers inside a circuit, which is exactly what we need for our leaf public input.

The idea behind this pattern is to give an API to users that entirely abstracts them from the circuit logic. By providing a MerkleTreeVerification struct with regular types as fields, users of the circuit don't need to know what gadgets or constraints are.

All that being said, our generate_constraints method looks like this:

fn main() {
fn generate_constraints(
        cs: ConstraintSystemRef<ConstraintF>,
    ) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
        // First, we allocate the public inputs
        let root = RootVar::new_input(ark_relations::ns!(cs, "root_var"), || Ok(&self.root))?;
        let leaf = UInt8::new_input(ark_relations::ns!(cs, "leaf_var"), || Ok(&self.leaf))?;

        // Then, we allocate the public parameters as constants:
        let leaf_crh_params = LeafHashParamsVar::new_constant(cs.clone(), &self.leaf_crh_params)?;
        let two_to_one_crh_params =
            TwoToOneHashParamsVar::new_constant(cs.clone(), &self.two_to_one_crh_params)?;

        // Finally, we allocate our path as a private witness variable:
        let path = SimplePathVar::new_witness(ark_relations::ns!(cs, "path_var"), || {

        let leaf_bytes = vec![leaf; 1];

        let is_member = path.verify_membership(



First we allocate a RootVar public input, which is the R1CS equivalent of a merkle root. This is a type provided by arkworks, which underneath implements the AllocVar trait discussed above. As a general rule, if a type ends with Var, then it's most likely the R1CS equivalent of a regular type. The value for our RootVar public input is &self.root, i.e., the root field value of our MerkleTreeVerification struct.

Next we allocate a UInt8 public input representing our leaf and the constant values for leaf_crh_params and two_to_one_crh_params. Again, we're not going to go into much detail about these two parameters, but they're provided by arkworks and are the R1CS equivalent of the parameters required by our merkle tree hash functions (see crypto primitives for more details).

Finally, we have to allocate our private input representing the merkle path, of type:

fn main() {
pub struct SimplePathVar = PathVar<crate::MerkleConfig, LeafHashGadget, TwoToOneHashGadget, ConstraintF>

This is a gadget provided by arkworks, the R1CS equivalent of Path<P: Config>, it's a bit more complex than the other gadgets we've seen so far and it's at the crux of this entire circuit, so let's dive more into it.

As the R1CS equivalent of Path, PathVar consists of the following fields

fn main() {
pub struct PathVar<P, LeafH, TwoToOneH, ConstraintF>
    /// `path[i]` is 0 (false) iff ith non-leaf node from top to bottom is left.
    path: Vec<Boolean<ConstraintF>>,
    /// `auth_path[i]` is the entry of sibling of ith non-leaf node from top to bottom.
    auth_path: Vec<TwoToOneH::OutputVar>,
    /// The sibling of leaf.
    leaf_sibling: LeafH::OutputVar,
    /// Is this leaf the right child?
    leaf_is_right_child: Boolean<ConstraintF>,

(I'm ommiting the generic type definitions to reduce visual clutter). This struct implements the AllocVar trait to be able to create public, private or constant variables by implementing the new_variable method:

fn main() {
fn new_variable<T: Borrow<Path<P>>>(
        cs: impl Into<Namespace<ConstraintF>>,
        f: impl FnOnce() -> Result<T, SynthesisError>,
        mode: AllocationMode,
    ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
        let ns = cs.into();
        let cs = ns.cs();
        f().and_then(|val| {
            let leaf_sibling = LeafH::OutputVar::new_variable(
                ark_relations::ns!(cs, "leaf_sibling"),
                || Ok(val.borrow().leaf_sibling_hash.clone()),
            let leaf_position_bit = Boolean::new_variable(
                ark_relations::ns!(cs, "leaf_position_bit"),
                || Ok(val.borrow().leaf_index & 1 == 1),
            let pos_list: Vec<_> = val.borrow().position_list().collect();
            let path = Vec::new_variable(
                ark_relations::ns!(cs, "path_bits"),
                || Ok(&pos_list[..(pos_list.len() - 1)]),

            let auth_path = Vec::new_variable(
                ark_relations::ns!(cs, "auth_path_nodes"),
                || Ok(&val.borrow().auth_path[..]),
            Ok(PathVar {
                leaf_is_right_child: leaf_position_bit,

When we called

fn main() {
SimplePathVar::new_witness(ark_relations::ns!(cs, "path_var"), || {

passing our authentication_path struct (i.e., our non-R1CS merkle path) in our circuit definition above, this internally called the new_variable method, which instantiates its internal fields by using the appropriate fields in our authentication_path.

After creating a merkle path variable in our circuit, we call its verify_membership method to check that the path is correct

fn main() {
let is_member = path.verify_membership(

this returns an R1CS Boolean, so we can then add a constraint to make sure it is true:

fn main() {

Notice that the bulk of our MerkleTree circuit was just this gadget, which provides the R1CS API to use inside a circuit for checking merkle paths. Because it's a gadget, however, we can use it inside other circuits as part of more complex logic. For example, we could combine it with a gadget that verifies Schnorr signatures to create a circuit that takes a signed transaction updating some state in a merkle tree and checks both things: that the signature is valid and that the caller knew a leaf of the tree.