
Gadgets are essentially libraries that give you access to common types and operations when defining circuits.

Gadgets implement the traits R1CSVar, AllocVar, EqGadget, ToBitsGadget, ToBytesGadget, and CondSelectGadget, which provide common methods used when defining circuits.


Lets you instantiate constant values or public/private inputs of the type implementing it on your circuit. It provides the methods new_variable, new_constant, new_input and new_witness.


Provides three methods that are usually used underneath when generating constraints:

  • cs() returns the underlying constraint system.
  • is_constant() is self-explanatory.
  • value() returns the underlying value of the variable.


Has various methods for both checking or enforcing equality or inequality: is_eq, is_neq, enforce_equal, etc.


Has methods to convert the type to bits. Note that "bits" here does not mean regular 8 bit integers, but rather bits inside a circuit, i.e., zeroes or ones in the underlying finite field (they are represented as Booleans, a gadget we'll talk about below). Methods include to_bits_le, to_bits_be, etc.


Gives you the to_bytes() method to convert the type to a byte array (i.e. Vec). Once again, note that "byte" here does not mean the regular byte you're used to, but rather a byte representation in a finite field. This representation is provided by the UInt8 gadget that we'll discuss below.


Lets you generate constraints to select between to values. There's conditionally_select(cond, true_value, false_value) (if cond is true it returns true_value, otherwise it returns false_value) and conditionally_select_power_of_two_vector(position, values) (returns an element of values whose index in represented by position. position is an array of boolean that represents an unsigned integer in big endian order). I don't know exactly where they're used for, they seem fairly low level.


Boolean type inside a circuit/R1CS. Example:

fn main() {
use ark_r1cs_std::bits::boolean::Boolean;
use ark_ed_on_bls12_381::Fq;

let a = Boolean::new_input(cs, || Ok(true))?;

let not_a = Boolean::not(&a);

let result = a.and(&not_a)?;

For a more interesting one, here's sample code from arkworks that enforces the validity of a given transaction.

fn main() {
// Validate that the transaction signature and amount is correct.

The validate method is ultimately a very complex circuit using a variety of gadgets for Merkle proof and Schnorr signature verification that returns a Boolean.

This gadget is also a building block for pretty much all other types, as it's the finite field representation of a bit. This way, types like UInt8 (see below) are implemented as arrays of Booleans underneath.


Unsigned 8 bit integer type for circuits. Example:

fn main() {
use ark_r1cs_std::bits::uint8::UInt8;

let a = UInt8::new_input(cs, || Ok(1))?;

let result = a.xor(&a)?;
let zero = UInt8::constant(0);

As hinted above, it's important to understand that, underneath, a UInt8 is nothing more than an array of finite field elements. This has consequences for its use. For example, the verify function provided by the Marlin crate expects to be passed an array of the corresponding circuit's public inputs. Because this API is pretty low level and operations all happen in a elliptic curve over a finite field, the elements of this array are expected to be of type F: Field.

However, when defining a circuit, you will usually be using high level constructs like UInt8. If you define a public input to be of type UInt8, when verifying you are responsible for making the conversion from it to &[F]. Note that this conversion is not simply using the from function given by finite fields, i.e., if your public inputs is a UInt8 of value 1, you can't do

fn main() {

as the representation is actually

fn main() {
let one = F::from(1);
let zero = F::from(0);
let public_input = vec![one, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero]

There's a to_bits_le method defined by the ToBitsGadget that UInt8 implements, but it gives you a Vec<Boolean<F>>, not a Vec<F>. Another extra conversion needs to be made from Boolean to F.

UInt16, UInt32, UInt64 and UInt128

Pretty self-explanatory, though they are defined through macros. Example:

fn main() {
use ark_r1cs_std::bits::uint16::UInt16;

let a = UInt16::new_input(cs, || Ok(1))?;
let b = UInt16::new_witness(cs, || Ok(2))?;
let c = UInt16::constant(3);

let result = UInt16::addmany(&[a, b]).unwrap();

addmany is an associated function (the rust equivalent of a Java static method) defined for these types. For some reason, it's not defined for UInt8. Note that the default behaviour for addmany (at least when compiling in release) is to overflow without warning. That is, the result of u16::MAX + 1 is simply 0.

Lower level cryptographic types

TODO: There's stuff for fields, elliptic curves, pairings, polynomials and polynomial evaluations.